Friday, November 20, 2009

A Woman's Right - Breastfeeding in Public

Have you ever seen a mother breastfeed her child in public? After all, it is a natural body function, and it is legal in multiple states.

Why should these mothers be looked at any differently than any other women walking down on the street? The baby is simply eating his/her meal just as any toddler or adult would. Would you stare at other people over the age of 3 for eating in public? Perhaps in the library where they aren’t supposed to or if they were making some kind of dramatic scene, but in most cases, you wouldn’t give them a second thought.

But, is there a line as to where these mothers can breastfeed their child?

Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against breastfeeding in public. I work at a retail store that sells baby clothes, and we have a special chair just for mothers who wish to breastfeed their child in. I am used to such scenes and feel no awkwardness towards them.

However, just the other evening when I was on the bus during a busy rush hour, I saw a woman with an about 1-2 years old boy. The boy started whining, but he wasn’t creating much of a disturbance. The next thing I know was that the woman began to breastfeed her child.

Do keep in mind that this small bus was already packed with people. There was a man in front of her who was holding on the railings and another man who was sitting beside her. Needless to say, it was a very awkward situation. I am pretty sure that it was not very comfortable for the men around her. I believe that I even saw the man who was standing directly in front of her blush.

Yes, breastfeeding in public is a “basic civil right.” And yes, breast feeding “should be encouraged and not hidden.” But, shouldn’t mothers still be aware of where in public they choose to do this? I am not sure if the child then was suffering severely from hunger or not, but his cries did not suggest that he was in pain. Perhaps there should be more discretion in this act?

What are your thoughts?

How would you feel if you were on a bus and the person seated in front of you began breastfeeding her baby? Would it be okay? Or how about in a restaurant, would you feel any different?


  1. I found this blog entry very interesting. I am a mother of four children ages eleven, seven, five, and 23 months. I breast fed all of my children two for one year and two for about two years. My 23 month old was just weaned in the past few weeks. I feel that if more people nursed then it wouldn't be so uncomfortable for those around. Many people choose to bottle feed which makes nursing a taboo. I feel it is fine to nurse in public as long as the woman covers herself. As a mother I have often found myself in similar situations and sensed the akwardness from others, which can be quite frusturating. Your right the child may not have been starving but desired to nurse which shouldn't be a problem. I feel if more people were educated on the benefits of breastfeeding and aware of its function then it wouldn't be so uncomfortable.

  2. I think that it's a matter of how the mother breastfeeds and not where the mother breastfeeds. It can be done with grace.

    I was taken aback that she breastfed on the bus, but I think I was even more shocked with how she was breastfeeding. It's sometimes hard to divert your eyes when you're on the bus, and people are directly facing her.

  3. That's an excellent way to word it, "It can be done with grace." I also read a few articles in momaroo. I think this site will be one of my favorites now.=) I love the way you've covered a broad spectrum of women's issues and concerns. Thanks again!
