Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Goodbye Childhood, Hello Modern World!

Remember your childhood when everything was clean, innocent, and simple? I’m not sure what type of cartoons you grew up watching, but I remember the cute Hello Kitty, nice Mickey Mouse, and heck, I even wanted to have Donald Duck for an uncle once upon a time. Cartoons should be everlasting, right? These characters belong in Neverland with Peter Pan and his little fairy. They symbolize a world that will never change, a time filled with just happiness and hope, and unicorns flying with my little ponies.

What is happening to people that they feel the need to “change things up”? I’m not against change, but it truly depends on what types of changes are being done! Look at how Hello Kitty is being portrayed!
Do I really want my little sister or future daughter to fall in love with a toy like this? I remember when I wanted to have a bow in my hair just like Hello Kitty. What are kids going to ask for now? “I want Hello Kitty’s garter – I want a heart on it!!”

Apparently, everyone grows up – even the ones who are supposed to be ageless. That just goes to show you how quick things are changing. Hello Kitty is not the only one hitting puberty. Click on the pictures & links to more detailed and interesting information!

Dora the Explorer. Although I don’t think she is going to be doing any exploring with her new getup – or is she?

Tattoo Barbie. I’m sure she regrets that one! She’s not even with Ken anymore. It’s Blaine now, isn’t it?

Strawberry Shortcake. Not only does she lose her old wardrobe and candy, she also loses her baby fat!

Sun-Maid Raisins Girl - a fairly iconic little girl from the olden days without an actual name. Now, she’s going “Hollywood”! New, improved, & modernized. She’s been nipped and tucked and has a brand new face! So maybe, "just maybe, you'll become a big hollywood star."

Where has my childhood gone? Did society go and take them away from me just to leave me behind in the cold, harsh world? Am I the only one who’s unrealistically holding on to the past too tightly?

Is it so wrong to want to look back and see sunshine and rainbows in a world that I will never live in again?

Is that just too much to ask for!?

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