Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why Women & Literature?

Why did I take this class even though I don't actually need it? I am an accounting major, and I already have my area C4 taken cared of~

I find that this is a very important subject because, as a female, I believe that I should understand how women express themselves through in such a male-dominated society even in the world of literature.

Disregarding the fact that I am a female, I think that we should see the world through the eyes of both sexes. As one of my group mate says, “Literature is a means of expression to the world, giving an audience a view into another's experience.” There are two sides to a coin, and it is important that we understand the differences between the two sides and broaden our horizons. We read to learn, to gain knowledge, and to discover the unknown; hence, anybody who contributes to such a cause deserves recognition and respect.

I admit that I first picked this class because of its convenience. I wasn’t really taking into the consideration of the importance of the course subject. I love reading, and it is simply much easier for me to discuss and share online. I have time to formulate my ideas and not risk stuttering or express my ideas incorrectly (I feel incredibly pressured in a classroom setting).

However, this class is also the reason why I am almost doing homework everyday! I take such a long time going over the readings and trying to break them down in order to do a thorough job.

After 5 weeks of such demanding work, I find myself still being able to say that I love it! I feel very satisfied with the amount of exposure I received towards works written by women and looking at them in depth, something I have not done in a very long time. I also have a helpful and organized professor, a wonderful teacher assistant who’s not bothered by my questions, and very kind group-mates!

Although it is quite a bit of work, it truly is a fulfilling class, and I find myself learning new things every week. Isn’t that the purpose of university life – life-long learning? We shouldn’t just aim to take all our major classes over with; we should learn to be well-rounded and enjoy the different subjects life has to offer! Something another one of my past English teacher had taught me =D

It’s definitely a choice I am willing to make. To me, it is not even considered a sacrifice.


  1. I also take several classes that I don't need. I agree with you when you say that going to college is not only for the purpose of furthering our education, or because we feel we have to attend college after high school, but for the purpose of life-long learning. I enjoy the extra classes that I'm taking although it does demand a lot of time and effort, but like you said, it helps us learn to be well-rounded people.

  2. I had two whole electives in Aerospace Undergrad. One was loads of fun, Contemporary Moral Issues. The other had to be a 'technical elective'. That meant it was either a class from another engineering major, or from the graduate level in my major. I ended up with computational fluid dynamics (I wanted a class on nuclear engineering, but it filled up since all of my classmates took it for the 80% A rate). Sigh. Good for you though, it sounds like a good class.
